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Visit Our Centre

EFC Centre at Wat Tyler Country ParkOur centre is available for visits on a pre-booked basis on Wednesdays between 10am - 4pm. The Club’s activities and displays are also usually open to the public on the first Saturday of the month 11am - 4pm.

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no 1113963
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Picture gallery


James Bridley 1716 to1772 Portrait Coloured James Cook 1728 to 1799 Explorer 1784 James Watt 1736 to 1819 Coloured Portrait Japanese Knotweed Jaywick Beach before recharge Jaywick Sands Palaeolithic Flint implements Jericho Country Seat 1897 Jermaines Wood - Adder Jermaines Wood - deadwood Jermaines Wood - Moschatel Jermaines Wood - ride Jersey Mocha Jersey tiger Jersey Tiger (f) Jersey Tiger 2 Jersey Tiger 290711 Jersey tiger at rest Jersey Tiger August 19th 2012 Jersey Tiger Moth jkw1 jkw3 jkw4 John Brown (1780-1859) John Brown 1780 to 1859 Geologist and Stonemason John Brown 1780 to 1859 Geologist and Stonemason Photograph John Gibbs 1822 to 1892 Essex Botanist John Hanson Collector of Pleistocene Fossils Walton on the Naze John Locke 1632 to 1704 John Lubbock 1st Baron Avebury 1834 to 1913 John Player Sketches of Saffron Walden 1845 Half Title Castle John Player Sketches of Saffron Walden 1845 Title Page John Ramsbottom EFC President 1936 1937 1938 1939 John Ray 1626-1707 1 John Ray 1627 to 1705 Naturalist  John Rennie 1761 to 1821 Coloured Portrait Johnson's Botanical Press circa 1920s Johnson's Botanical Press circa 1920s label July Highflyer 2 July Highflyer 3 July Highflyer. Jumping spider Marpissa muscosa front view Jumping spider Marpissa muscosa top view Juniper Pug  Eupithecia pusillata Jurassic ammonite Jurassic fossil tree stump by Thorndon Visitor Centre just emerged

James Bridley 1716 to1772 Portrait Coloured
James Cook 1728 to 1799 Explorer 1784
James Watt 1736 to 1819 Coloured Portrait
Japanese Knotweed
Jaywick Beach before recharge
Jaywick Sands Palaeolithic Flint implements
Jericho Country Seat 1897
Jermaines Wood - Adder
Jermaines Wood - deadwood
Jermaines Wood - Moschatel
Jermaines Wood - ride
Jersey Mocha
Jersey tiger
Jersey Tiger (f)
Jersey Tiger 2
Jersey Tiger 290711
Jersey tiger at rest
Jersey Tiger August 19th 2012
Jersey Tiger Moth
John Brown (1780-1859)
John Brown 1780 to 1859 Geologist and Stonemason
John Brown 1780 to 1859 Geologist and Stonemason Photograph
John Gibbs 1822 to 1892 Essex Botanist
John Hanson Collector of Pleistocene Fossils Walton on the Naze
John Locke 1632 to 1704
John Lubbock 1st Baron Avebury 1834 to 1913
John Player Sketches of Saffron Walden 1845 Half Title Castle
John Player Sketches of Saffron Walden 1845 Title Page
John Ramsbottom EFC President 1936 1937 1938 1939
John Ray 1626-1707 1
John Ray 1627 to 1705 Naturalist
John Rennie 1761 to 1821 Coloured Portrait
Johnson's Botanical Press circa 1920s
Johnson's Botanical Press circa 1920s label
July Highflyer 2
July Highflyer 3
July Highflyer.
Jumping spider Marpissa muscosa front view
Jumping spider Marpissa muscosa top view
Juniper Pug Eupithecia pusillata
Jurassic ammonite
Jurassic fossil tree stump by Thorndon Visitor Centre
just emerged